Step 1 | Connecting a Stripe Device
Before Setting Up the Device
Order a Stripe Reader:
Log In and Navigate to Terminal:
- Go to the Stripe Dashboard and log in.
- Click on "Terminal" in the left-hand menu, then select "Order Readers" or "Hardware".
- Choose device: s700
Create a Location:
- In the Stripe Dashboard, select "Readers".
- Add your facility location under the "+New" option.
This Video will help you find the "Location" Setting on stripe. (Minute 1:05)
Setting Up the Device
Power On the Device:
- Turn on your Stripe reader.
Connect to Wi-Fi:
- If needed, connect the device to your facility's Wi-Fi.
- Wi-Fi Password: 0-7-1-3-9.
Linking the Device to PlayByPoint
Go to the PlayByPoint Admin Portal.
Navigate to "Settings" > "Payments" > "Stripe Readers".
Select "New Reader":
- You should see your facility location listed in the dropdown menu.
Generate a pairing code on the reader:
- Access Reader Settings on the device.
- Generate the pairing code (e.g., silver-jumping-plates).
- Device Password: 0-7-1-3-9.
Enter the pairing code ("registration code") into PlayByPoint and save:
- Once entered, the device will connect to PlayByPoint.
Test the Setup:
- Refresh PlayByPoint.
Perform a test transaction with a $1 merchandise purchase
Step 3 | Using Your Card Reader in PlayByPoint
Access the Calendar View:
- Navigate to the Calendar section in PlayByPoint.
Select the POS Device:
- Click on POS and select the device you want to use.
- Confirm your name appears next to the selected device.
Refresh the Page:
- After selecting the device, refresh the page.
Complete a Booking:
- Create a booking in the system.
Ensure the Pay with Device option appears as a payment method during the booking process.
Issue: "Connection failed" when charging an item
Check Reader Diagnostics:
- Go to Reader Settings on the Stripe device.
- Stripe Connectivity: Passed.
DNS Connection: Failed (Unknown)
Resolve DNS Connection Failure:
Change the DNS settings on your browser:
For Chrome:
- Go to Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security.
- Change the DNS to Cloudflare (
For Safari:
- Go to Network Settings.
- Set the DNS to
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